Last Updated!!!! Thanks to Laura and Tommaso
Last Updated!!!! Thanks to Laura Zanussi and Tommaso Orrigo as today 31 thousand euros are still missing to complete and furnish our new Foster Home. Thanks. Please donate and share.
Thanks “Destination Kids” members
Thanks “Destination Kids” members for visiting our Foster Home and our building site.
Great day at The Loft. Thanks Tony
Great day at The Loft. Thanks Tony
Super thanks Give Love Give Smile Foundation
Super thanks again for this very usefull donation to Give Love Give Smile Foundation
Thanks to William and Krys
Very pleasant meeting with the children of year 8 at St.Andrews International School Green Valley. Thanks to William for inviting us and Krys for the support.
Thanks all
A couple of weeks ago James walked 35 km to raise money for our Foundation. With the help of his other friends he managed to collect more then 70 thousand
Great BBQ…thanks to Laura and Tommaso
Great BBQ…thanks to Laura and Tommaso
Thanks to the Balmoral Lodge
Thanks to the Balmoral Lodge 7118 EC donating 4.500 baht for our new Foster Home
Thanks to Give Love Give Smile Foundation
Thanks to Give Love Give Smile Foundation
Thanks to Laura, Cristina, Carla and Laura for the great day at the beach
Thanks to Laura, Cristina, Carla and Laura for the great day at the beach