Thanks to one anonymous donor for the great donation
Thanks to one anonymous donor for the great donation
Thanks to Mrs Pomelo e Mr. Ball for donating water, milk and rice
Thanks to Mrs Pomelo e Mr. Ball for donating water, milk and rice
Take Care Kids Thailand Foundation is close to the families who lost a relative during one of the worst floods ever to occur in Chang Rai, its province and some
Thanks Khun Thai and Khun Ae
Thanks Khun Thai and Khun Ae for your donation
Thanks to one anonymus donor for this 2 bags of rice
Thanks to one anonymus donor for this 2 bags of rice
Thongchai, 42 years old and father of 2 children of 3 and 6 years old, has a late-stage tumor of the liver. As his last wish, he asked to return
Super thanks to Lesley Prada and Cooper Leong
Super thanks to Lesley (visiting us today) Prada and Cooper Leong for the great donation of 5.000 usd
Thanks Francesco for the ice cream
Thanks Francesco for the ice cream
Thanks to Venus Football Club
Thanks to Venus Football Club for comming again for teaching footbal to our children
Thanks to Khun Nong and Khun Gem
Thanks to Khun Nong and Khun Gem for the haircut of our children